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How does Romodels create this new reality? 

By emboldening a generation of children who are dreamers and doers, who believe in their ability to grow and adapt to an ever-evolving world, and who see themselves

as leaders.


We do this through our unique blend of first-hand expertise and curriculum aligned  on-demand resources.



 Our online learning portal helps teachers support their learners through a journey of career exploration in three simple steps

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 1. Discover


2. Experience


3. Believe

We enable learners to discover a world of opportunities that they have not yet had the chance to explore.

Once learners’ eyes have been opened to a world of career possibilities. We want to give them a chance to experience what they have discovered.

Our ultimate goal is to enable children to see Romodels and believe, “That could be me!”. We want them to believe their future is limitless.



We first need to enable pupils to discover a world of opportunities that they have not yet had the chance to explore 

We do this in two ways:


  • First, we focus on what is familiar to learners.
    We present them with common items that they see or interact with regularly – a bee, plastic waste, a football, etc. Using these items to capture their attention. We invite pupils to discover hidden, 21st-century careers related to those everyday objects – careers they likely have never considered before. We place a focus on introducing careers that solve real-world problems and that require leadership, creativity, and innovation.


  • Second, we introduce learners to real-life role models.
    Our Romodels do jobs that relate to those objects familiar to learners. Their careers generate impact and require leadership. And our Romodels come from diverse backgrounds and unique lived experiences, enabling every learner to find a Romodel they can relate to. Learners hear Romodels tell their career and life stories, where they share stories of overcoming stereotypes and adversity in their chosen careers to inspire the pupils.

Meet our Romodels

Sam Garrard 

Marine Ecologist 

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Sam is a mum and Marine Ecologist at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, working on projects in the North Atlantic and Singapore to campaign against the influence of plastic waste on marine animals and habitats.
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Sam Carew


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Sam is a father of four and entrepreneur who started a trainer company that is good for the planet. The company uses recycled and vegan materials and is the first carbon neutral footwear brand in the UK.
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Saffron Rennison


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Mae Saffron yn ddyfarnwr pêl-droed. Mae’n helpu timau yn amrywio o rai dan 7 i dimau dynion a menywod, fel y gallant gystadlu mewn cynghreiriau a chystadlaethau ledled Cymru.
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Once learners' eyes have been opened to a world of career possibilities, we want to give them a chance to experience what they have discovered.

We do this by providing cross-curricular activities aligned to the Curriculum for Wales:
  • Each Romodel sets missions for learners that are directly related to their career.

  • The missions span across the six Areas of Learning -- Maths and Numeracy, Science and Technology, Expressive Arts, Language, Literacy and Communication, Health and Wellbeing and Humanities.

  • Teachers can select Areas of Learning to prioritise, and they can differentiate learning for individual learners by selecting progression steps and levels of difficulty.

  • We also have 'Learner in Action' challenges which further promote independent learning.

Explore our example missions

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Sam Garrard 


Sam needs your help in understanding the fate of baby sea turtles on an island she's studying and wants to use the research to campaign against plastic waste. 


Objective: To gain insights into how our behaviours impact on ecosystems, in this case, coral reefs.


Progression step 2: Can you open the sea turtle eggs and read what happened to them? Put the egg in the red bowl if the cause of death was human or green if it was natural. What patterns are we seeing? What more could we do to change our behaviour and help sea turtles? How can you advocate for them? 

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Sam Carew 

Maths and Numeracy 

Sam wants to launch a new shoe can you help him? 


Objective: To gain insights into the market and help learners to understand the practical applications of statistics in informed decision-making.


Progression step 1: Can you use the class' favourite colour to inform Sam's market research. Let's create a pictogram with our favourite colours. What colour shoe should Sam launch?

Let's do the same for only boys and only girls. What do you notice? Are there any differences in the colours chosen?  What else should Sam consider?



Our ultimate goal is to enable children to see Romodels and believe, “That could be me!” We want them to believe their future is limitless.

We do this by:


  • We help learners to recognise their strengths and identify what it takes to become that role in the future.

  • Our Romodels "Reminder Binders" create a way for learners to capture their journey of career exploration and achievements across primary school.

Future Bee Behavioural Scientist 


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Discover  Experience  Believe 

At Romodels, we create a new reality for children by engaging them from an early age in exploring dynamic future career opportunities through immersive interactions with real-life role models

Let us inspire learners across your school to dream bigger.
Let us enable the children in your life to create a future for themselves where any career is possible.

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